ProjectWise Explorer Help

User Properties Dialog

Used to change your password, working directory location, groups you belong to, personal workspace settings, and various user settings, for the active datasource you are logged in to. Opens when you select Tools > Options.

General tab

Used to display various user information, and if applicable, to change your password for the datasource you are logged into.

  • User Name - The name of your user account.
  • User Description - The description of your user account, if one has been given to you.
  • Email - The email address associated with your account, if there is one.
  • Type - The type of ProjectWise account this is.
    • Logical
    • Windows
    • Federated Identity
  • Old password | New password | Verify new password - If you are logged in with a logical account, you can use these fields to change your password.

Settings tab

Contains your personal user settings, which determine what you can and cannot do, in general, with documents, folders, and projects. User settings also determine what items you see in ProjectWise Explorer, for example whether or not versions display, or where or not custom folders display. The settings you see on this tab are those which the administrator has given you permission to view and change.

All possible user settings, arranged in categories, are documented here. Each category can be expanded to display its settings. If an icon appears to the left of a setting, that generally means the setting can be expanded to display suboptions.

Member Of tab

Displays the Groups and User Lists that you are a member of. Your administrator controls which groups and user lists you belong to.

Personal WorkSpace tab

Used to create the configuration variables for your personal workspace, when using managed workspaces.